Wikipedia:List of Cree topics
Note: This article is not in Cree: it needs translation into Cree, in either the Roman transliteration or syllabic script.
This is a list of articles in the English-language Wikipedia edition that either link to that encylopedia's en:Cree or en:Cree language articles, or belong to en:Category:Cree or its subcategories.
This list is intended as a checklist for the possible creation of articles in this Cree-language Wikipedia edition: the first link on each line links to the English-language Wikipedia, the second links to this Wikipedia edition. Translation of the latter links into Cree would be a good first step in helping create these articles.
- 1670s in Canada -> 1670s in Canada
- ग्रैंड डची ऑफ बाडन -> Duchy of Baden
- 1870 in Canada -> 1870 in Canada
- 1885 -> 1885
- 1898 in Canada -> 1898 in Canada
- 1995 in Canada -> 1995 in Canada
- 2006-07 Calgary Flames season -> 2006-07 Calgary Flames season
- 2007 in Canada -> 2007 in Canada
- Abishabis -> Abishabis
- Aboriginal peoples in Canada -> Aboriginal peoples in Canada
- Aboriginal peoples in Northern Canada -> Aboriginal peoples in Northern Canada
- Aboriginal peoples in Quebec -> Aboriginal peoples in Quebec
- Agreement Respecting a New Relationship Between the Cree Nation and the Government of Quebec -> Agreement Respecting a New Relationship Between the Cree Nation and the Government of Quebec
- Air Creebec -> Air Creebec
- Albert Lacombe -> Albert Lacombe
- Alberta provincial highway 14 -> Alberta provincial highway 14
- Algonquian languages -> Algonquian languages
- Algonquian peoples -> Algonquian peoples
- Algonquin language -> Algonquin language
- Allen Sapp -> Allen Sapp
- Americas -> Americas
- Angus McKay -> Angus McKay
- Anishinaabe language -> Anishinaabe language
- Anishinini language -> Anishinini language
- Architecture of Canada -> Architecture of Canada
- Assiniboine -> Assiniboine
- Athabasca -> Athabasca
- Athabasca Oil Sands -> Athabasca Oil Sands
- Athabasca River -> Athabasca River
- Athabaskan languages -> Athabaskan languages
- Atikamekw -> Atikamekw
- Attawapiskat -> Attawapiskat
- Baie-James -> Baie-James
- Battle of Batoche -> Battle of Batoche
- Battle of Cut Knife -> Battle of Cut Knife
- Battle of Fish Creek -> Battle of Fish Creek
- Battle of Fort Pitt -> Battle of Fort Pitt
- Battle of Frenchman's Butte -> Battle of Frenchman's Butte
- Battle of Loon Lake -> Battle of Loon Lake
- Battle of the Belly River -> Battle of the Belly River
- Battles of the North-West Rebellion -> Battles of the North-West Rebellion
- Bearskin Lake -> Bearskin Lake
- Bernard Ominayak -> Bernard Ominayak
- Big Bear -> Big Bear
- Bigstone Cree NationStone Cree Nation, -> Stone Cree Nation, e'ki cimocik kici-naskatcik.
- Billy Merasty -> Billy Merasty
- Boyce Richardson -> Boyce Richardson
- Brevard County -> Brevard County
- Brian's Hunt -> Brian's Hunt
- Brian's Winter -> Brian's Winter
- Bryan Trottier -> Bryan Trottier
- Buckley Petawabano -> Buckley Petawabano
- Buffy Sainte-Marie -> Buffy Sainte-Marie
- Bungee language -> Bungee language
- CBC North -> CBC North
- Caledonia land dispute -> Caledonia land dispute
- Calling Lake -> Calling Lake
- Camassia -> Camassia
- Canadian Gaelic -> Canadian Gaelic
- Canadian provincial name etymologies -> Canadian provincial name etymologies
- Caniapiscau River -> Caniapiscau River
- Chapleau Crown Game Preserve -> Chapleau Crown Game Preserve
- Chapleau -> Chapleau
- Charles -> Charles
- Charter of the French Language -> Charter of the French Language
- Cheyenne -> Cheyenne
- Chibougamau -> Chibougamau
- Chimaphila umbellata -> Chimaphila umbellata
- Chinook Health -> Chinook Health
- Chipewyan -> Chipewyan
- Chippewa Cree -> Chippewa Cree
- Chisasibi -> Chisasibi
- Churchill -> Churchill
- Classification of indigenous peoples of the Americas -> Classification of indigenous peoples of the Americas
- Clayton Matchee -> Clayton Matchee
- Clearwater River -> Clearwater River
- Cranberry Portage -> Cranberry Portage
- Cree -> Cree
- Cree Board of Health and Social Services of James Bay -> Cree Board of Health and Social Services of James Bay
- Cree Dictionary -> Cree Dictionary
- Cree Indians -> Cree Indians
- Cree Summer -> Cree Summer
- Cree Tribe -> Cree Tribe
- Cree language -> Cree language
- Cree syllabics -> Cree syllabics
- Crees -> Crees
- Crystal Plamondon -> Crystal Plamondon
- Crystle Lightning -> Crystle Lightning
- Culture in Regina -> Culture in Regina
- Cumberland House -> Cumberland House
- David Ahenakew -> David Ahenakew
- Dene Suline language -> Dene Suline language
- Dennis Bevington -> Dennis Bevington
- Deschambault Lake -> Deschambault Lake
- Don Francks -> Don Francks
- Donald MacLaren -> Donald MacLaren
- Dover Demon -> Dover Demon
- Dry Island Buffalo Jump Provincial Park -> Dry Island Buffalo Jump Provincial Park
- Dryden -> Dryden
- East Cree -> East Cree
- Eastern Innu -> Eastern Innu
- Eastmain River -> Eastmain River
- Eastmain -> Eastmain
- Ekota -> Ekota
- Elijah Harper -> Elijah Harper
- English Canadian -> English Canadian
- Enoch Cree Nation -> Enoch Cree Nation
- Ernie Paniccioli -> Ernie Paniccioli
- Farley Mowat -> Farley Mowat
- Fine-Day -> Fine-Day
- First Nations -> First Nations
- First Nations in Alberta -> First Nations in Alberta
- First Nations in Manitoba -> First Nations in Manitoba
- First Nations in Ontario -> First Nations in Ontario
- First Nations in Saskatchewan -> First Nations in Saskatchewan
- Flags of Aboriginal peoples of Canada -> Flags of Aboriginal peoples of Canada
- Fort Albany -> Fort Albany
- Fort Battleford -> Fort Battleford
- Fort Maurepas -> Fort Maurepas
- Fort Severn -> Fort Severn
- Fort Union Trading Post National Historic Site -> Fort Union Trading Post National Historic Site
- Fort Victoria -> Fort Victoria
- Franco-Tenois -> Franco-Tenois
- Fred Sasakamoose -> Fred Sasakamoose
- Freda Ahenakew -> Freda Ahenakew
- Frog Lake Massacre -> Frog Lake Massacre
- Frog Lake -> Frog Lake
- Gabriel Dumont -> Gabriel Dumont
- Gary Doer -> Gary Doer
- Gary Merasty -> Gary Merasty
- Geography of Saskatchewan -> Geography of Saskatchewan
- George Manuel -> George Manuel
- Gilbert Plains -> Gilbert Plains
- Gordon Tootoosis -> Gordon Tootoosis
- Grand Council of the Crees -> Grand Council of the Crees
- Grand Portage National Monument -> Grand Portage National Monument
- Grand Rapids First Nation -> Grand Rapids First Nation
- Gray Jay -> Gray Jay
- Great Peace of Montreal -> Great Peace of Montreal
- Great Whale River -> Great Whale River
- Greenpeace -> Greenpeace
- Gros Ventres -> Gros Ventres
- Handbook of North American Indians -> Handbook of North American Indians
- Harold Cardinal -> Harold Cardinal
- Harry Bain -> Harry Bain
- Harry York -> Harry York
- Helen Betty Osborne -> Helen Betty Osborne
- Henry Norwest -> Henry Norwest
- Herman Smith-Johannsen -> Herman Smith-Johannsen
- History of Alberta -> History of Alberta
- History of Lethbridge -> History of Lethbridge
- History of Manitoba -> History of Manitoba
- History of Saskatchewan -> History of Saskatchewan
- Horned Serpent -> Horned Serpent
- Hudson Bay -> Hudson Bay
- Hudson's Bay Company -> Hudson's Bay Company
- Human-animal marriage -> Human-animal marriage
- Indian Battle Park -> Indian Battle Park
- Innu -> Innu
- Inuit language -> Inuit language
- Inuktitut -> Inuktitut
- Irene Bedard -> Irene Bedard
- Iron Eyes Cody -> Iron Eyes Cody
- Jacques Legardeur de Saint-Pierre -> Jacques Legardeur de Saint-Pierre
- James Bay Cree hydroelectric conflict -> James Bay Cree hydroelectric conflict
- James Bay Project -> James Bay Project
- James Bay and Northern Quebec Agreement -> James Bay and Northern Quebec Agreement
- James Bourque -> James Bourque
- James Douglas -> James Douglas
- James Evans -> James Evans
- James Gladstone -> James Gladstone
- James Knight -> James Knight
- Jamésie Territory -> Jamésie Territory
- Jean-Pierre Aulneau -> Jean-Pierre Aulneau
- Jenu -> Jenu
- John H. Moore -> John H. Moore
- John J. Pershing -> John J. Pershing
- John Rowand -> John Rowand
- John Tanner -> John Tanner
- John Tootoosis -> John Tootoosis
- Jonathan Cheechoo -> Jonathan Cheechoo
- Joseph Boyden -> Joseph Boyden
- June 3 -> June 3
- Kapuskasing -> Kapuskasing
- Kashechewan First Nation -> Kashechewan First Nation
- Kashechewan -> Kashechewan
- Kawawachikamach Naskapi -> Kawawachikamach Naskapi
- Keyano College -> Keyano College
- Kuujjuarapik Airport -> Kuujjuarapik Airport
- Kuujjuarapik -> Kuujjuarapik
- La Colle -> La Colle
- La Grande River -> La Grande River
- Lac Ste. Anne -> Lac Ste. Anne
- Lacombe -> Lacombe
- Lake Manitoba -> Lake Manitoba
- Lake Mistassini -> Lake Mistassini
- Lake Nemiscau -> Lake Nemiscau
- Lake Superior -> Lake Superior
- Lake Winnipeg -> Lake Winnipeg
- Language demographics of Quebec -> Language demographics of Quebec
- Languages of Canada -> Languages of Canada
- Languages of the United States -> Languages of the United States
- Legend of Rainbow Warriors -> Legend of Rainbow Warriors
- Les Colocs -> Les Colocs
- Lethbridge -> Lethbridge
- Lili Francks -> Lili Francks
- Lillian Dyck -> Lillian Dyck
- List of Alberta Indian reserves -> List of Alberta Indian reserves
- List of First Nations peoples -> List of First Nations peoples
- List of Indigenous people of the Americas -> List of Indigenous people of the Americas
- List of Minnesota county name etymologies -> List of Minnesota county name etymologies
- List of Native American actors -> List of Native American actors
- List of Native American artists -> List of Native American artists
- List of Native American musicians -> List of Native American musicians
- List of Native American tribes -> List of Native American tribes
- List of Native American women -> List of Native American women
- List of U.S. counties named after rivers -> List of U.S. counties named after rivers
- List of U.S. state name etymologies -> List of U.S. state name etymologies
- List of battles 1801-1900 -> List of battles 1801-1900
- List of ethnic groups -> List of ethnic groups
- List of national historic sites of Canada -> List of national historic sites of Canada
- List of numbers in various languages -> List of numbers in various languages
- List of official languages -> List of official languages
- List of official languages by state -> List of official languages by state
- List of place names in Canada of Aboriginal origin -> List of place names in Canada of Aboriginal origin
- List of placenames of indigenous origin in the Americas -> List of placenames of indigenous origin in the Americas
- List of river name etymologies -> List of river name etymologies
- List of territorial disputes -> List of territorial disputes
- List of titles and honours of Charles -> List of titles and honours of Charles
- List of writing systems -> List of writing systems
- Little people -> Little people
- Lorne Cardinal -> Lorne Cardinal
- Lost in the Barrens -> Lost in the Barrens
- Louis Riel -> Louis Riel
- Louis-François Richer Laflèche -> Louis-François Richer Laflèche
- Lubicon Lake Indian Nation -> Lubicon Lake Indian Nation
- Lyse Lemieux -> Lyse Lemieux
- Manitoba -> Manitoba
- Manitoba Hydro -> Manitoba Hydro
- Manitoba municipal elections -> Manitoba municipal elections
- Mannegishi -> Mannegishi
- Maria Campbell -> Maria Campbell
- Marie-Anne Gaboury -> Marie-Anne Gaboury
- Maritime Archaic -> Maritime Archaic
- Marxist-Leninist Party candidates -> Marxist-Leninist Party candidates
- Matthew Coon Come -> Matthew Coon Come
- May 2 -> May 2
- Menisa -> Menisa
- Mestizo -> Mestizo
- Michif language -> Michif language
- Migratory Woodland Caribou -> Migratory Woodland Caribou
- Mill Woods -> Mill Woods
- Missinipi Broadcasting Corporation -> Missinipi Broadcasting Corporation
- Mistissini -> Mistissini
- Monarchy in Quebec -> Monarchy in Quebec
- Monarchy in Saskatchewan -> Monarchy in Saskatchewan
- Money -> Money
- Montagnais -> Montagnais
- Moose Cree -> Moose Cree
- Moose Factory -> Moose Factory
- Moose Jaw -> Moose Jaw
- Moosonee -> Moosonee
- Mount Adam Joachim -> Mount Adam Joachim
- Mount Athabasca -> Mount Athabasca
- Muskoday First Nation -> Muskoday First Nation
- Métis -> Métis
- Métis people -> Métis people
- Nacirema -> Nacirema
- Native American cuisine -> Native American cuisine
- Native American pottery -> Native American pottery
- Native Countries of North America -> Native Countries of North America
- Natural semantic metalanguage -> Natural semantic metalanguage
- Neil Stonechild -> Neil Stonechild
- Nelson River Hydroelectric Project -> Nelson River Hydroelectric Project
- Nemaska -> Nemaska
- Nemiscau -> Nemiscau
- Nipawin -> Nipawin
- Nipissing First Nation -> Nipissing First Nation
- Nishnawbe Aski Nation -> Nishnawbe Aski Nation
- Nisichawayasihk Cree Nation -> Nisichawayasihk Cree Nation
- Nitchequon -> Nitchequon
- Noel Starblanket -> Noel Starblanket
- Nord-du-Québec -> Nord-du-Québec
- North Shore -> North Shore
- North-West Rebellion -> North-West Rebellion
- Northern Ontario -> Northern Ontario
- Northwest Territories -> Northwest Territories
- Nunavik -> Nunavik
- O Canada -> O Canada
- O-Pipon-Na-Piwin Cree Nation -> O-Pipon-Na-Piwin Cree Nation
- Oji-Cree -> Oji-Cree
- Ojibwa -> Ojibwa
- Old Wives Lake -> Old Wives Lake
- One Arrow First Nation -> One Arrow First Nation
- Ontario Northland Railway -> Ontario Northland Railway
- Opaskwayak Cree Nation -> Opaskwayak Cree Nation
- Oscar Lathlin -> Oscar Lathlin
- Ouj -> Ouj
- Oujé-Bougoumou -> Oujé-Bougoumou
- Ovide Mercredi -> Ovide Mercredi
- Pacific Northwest -> Pacific Northwest
- Parkdale School -> Parkdale School
- Partition of Quebec -> Partition of Quebec
- Paul Kane -> Paul Kane
- Peace River -> Peace River
- Peawanuck -> Peawanuck
- Pehdzeh Ki First Nation -> Pehdzeh Ki First Nation
- Piapot -> Piapot
- Pierre Gaultier de Varennes -> Pierre Gaultier de Varennes
- Pierre-Jean De Smet -> Pierre-Jean De Smet
- Pisew Falls Provincial Park -> Pisew Falls Provincial Park
- Pitikwahanapiwiyin -> Pitikwahanapiwiyin
- Plains Cree -> Plains Cree
- Plains Cree language -> Plains Cree language
- Plains-Cree -> Plains-Cree
- Prince Albert -> Prince Albert
- Qu'Appelle River -> Qu'Appelle River
- Quamash -> Quamash
- Quebec -> Quebec
- Quebec Boundaries Extension Act -> Quebec Boundaries Extension Act
- Quebec French -> Quebec French
- Quebec general election -> Quebec general election
- R. v. Badger -> R. v. Badger
- Rainbow -> Rainbow
- Rainbow Sun Francks -> Rainbow Sun Francks
- Ralph Steinhauer -> Ralph Steinhauer
- Red Deer -> Red Deer
- Regna Darnell -> Regna Darnell
- René Highway -> René Highway
- Robert A. Brightman -> Robert A. Brightman
- Robert Bourassa -> Robert Bourassa
- Robert Boyer -> Robert Boyer
- Ron Evans -> Ron Evans
- Route de la Baie James -> Route de la Baie James
- Route du Nord -> Route du Nord
- Run to the Hills -> Run to the Hills
- Rupert River -> Rupert River
- Saguenay -> Saguenay
- Saskatchewan -> Saskatchewan
- Saskatchewan Highway 40 -> Saskatchewan Highway 40
- Saskatchewan River -> Saskatchewan River
- Saskatchewan Valley -> Saskatchewan Valley
- Saskatoon -> Saskatoon
- Satoo -> Satoo
- School District of Mystery Lake -> School District of Mystery Lake
- Sean Wei Mah -> Sean Wei Mah
- Selwyn Dewdney -> Selwyn Dewdney
- Sept-Îles -> Sept-Îles
- Serviceberry -> Serviceberry
- Shorthand -> Shorthand
- Siskiyou Mountains -> Siskiyou Mountains
- Smudge stick -> Smudge stick
- Snowshoe -> Snowshoe
- Southbranch Settlement -> Southbranch Settlement
- Splitting the Sky -> Splitting the Sky
- St. Louis -> St. Louis
- Sturgeon Lake -> Sturgeon Lake
- Swampy Cree -> Swampy Cree
- Swampy Cree language -> Swampy Cree language
- Takakkaw Falls -> Takakkaw Falls
- Tantoo Cardinal -> Tantoo Cardinal
- Ted Moses -> Ted Moses
- The Canadian Crown and First Nations -> The Canadian Crown and First Nations
- The Forks -> The Forks
- The New Grand -> The New Grand
- The Pas -> The Pas
- Thomas Bland Strange -> Thomas Bland Strange
- Thunderchild First Nation -> Thunderchild First Nation
- Timeline of Christian missions -> Timeline of Christian missions
- Timeline of Quebec history -> Timeline of Quebec history
- Tina Keeper -> Tina Keeper
- Toboggan -> Toboggan
- Tom Jackson -> Tom Jackson
- Tomson Highway -> Tomson Highway
- Treaty 1 -> Treaty 1
- Treaty 4 -> Treaty 4
- Treaty 5 -> Treaty 5
- Treaty 6 -> Treaty 6
- Treaty 9 -> Treaty 9
- Tumbler Ridge -> Tumbler Ridge
- Turtle Lake -> Turtle Lake
- Types of municipalities in Quebec -> Types of municipalities in Quebec
- USS Cree -> USS Cree
- Unified Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics character table -> Help:Unified Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics character table
- United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues -> United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues
- Vern Harper -> Vern Harper
- Vicariate Apostolic of Keewatin -> Vicariate Apostolic of Keewatin
- Wabasca River -> Wabasca River
- Wabasca-Desmarais -> Wabasca-Desmarais
- Wakaw -> Wakaw
- Walter Dieter -> Walter Dieter
- Wandering Spirit -> Wandering Spirit
- Wanuskewin Heritage Park -> Wanuskewin Heritage Park
- Wapusk National Park -> Wapusk National Park
- Wascana Centre -> Wascana Centre
- Waswanipi -> Waswanipi
- Wawota -> Wawota
- Web Networks -> Web Networks
- Wemindji -> Wemindji
- Wendigo -> Wendigo
- Western Innu -> Western Innu
- Westlock -> Westlock
- Whapmagoostui -> Whapmagoostui
- Whiskey Jack -> Whiskey Jack
- Whitecourt -> Whitecourt
- Wigtown -> Wigtown
- William Dillon Otter -> William Dillon Otter
- Willie Littlechild -> Willie Littlechild
- Winnipeg -> Winnipeg
- Winnipegosis -> Winnipegosis
- Wisakedjak -> Wisakedjak
- Woodland Cree -> Woodland Cree
- Woodlands Style -> Woodlands Style
- Woods Cree -> Woods Cree
- Yoho National Park -> Yoho National Park