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Cree Wikipedia

Welcome on the free encyclopedia written in Cree. This Wikipedia includes all different dialects of Cree... Cree is an Algonquian language spoken by more than 110,000 people in Canada and USA. It is the aboriginal language with the more speakers in Canada...

13 ᐹᔅᑌᒋᓂᑲᓇᓐ

 ᐃᔪᐤ ᐃᔨᒧᐅᓐ - Iyuw Imuun

English and French name: Naskapi
ISO 639 : nsk
Location: Québec and Labardor
Communities: Kawawachikamach and Natuashish
Some articles in Iyuw Imuun (Kawawachikamach dialect):

  • List of articles...

Some articles in Iyuw Imuun (Natuashish dialect):

  • List of articles...

English and French name: Montagnais
ISO 639: moe
Location: Québec and Labrador

Some articles in Nehilawewin (Eastern dialect):

  • List of articles...

Some articles in Leluwewn (Western dialect):

  • List of articles...

English and French name: Atikamekw
ISO 639: atj
Location: Québec
Communities: Manuane, Obedjiwan and Weymontachie
Some article in Nehirâmowin:

  • List of articles...

English name: Moose Cree
ISO 639: crm
Location: Ontario
Communities: Moose Factory and Moosonee
Some articles in Ililîmowin:

  • List of articles...

English name: Northern East Cree or Northern James Bay Cree
ISO 639: crl
Location: Québec
Communities: Chisasibi, Eastmain, Wemindji and Whapmagoostui
Some articles in Iyiyiw-Iyimiwin:

  • List of articles...

English name: Southern East Cree or Southern James Bay Cree
ISO 639: crj
Location: Québec
Communities: Eastmain, Mistissini, Nemaska, Oujé-Bougoumou, Waskaganish and Waswanipi
Some articles in Iynu-Ayamûn:

  • List of articles...

English name: Swampy Cree
ISO 639: csw
Location: Northern Ontario, Manitoba and Saskatchewan
Some articles in Ininīmowin (Western dialect):

  • List of articles...

Some articles in Ininiwi-Išikišwēwin (Eastern dialect):

  • List of articles...

English name: Woods Cree
ISO 639: cwd
Location: Manitoba and Saskatchewan
Some articles in Nīhithawīwin:

  • List of articles...
 ᓀᐦᐃᔭᐍᐏᐣ - Nēhiyawēwin
 English / Français

English name: Plains Cree
ISO 639: crk
Location: Sakatchewan, Alberta, British Columbia, Northwest Territories and Montana
Some articles in Nēhiyawēwin:

  • List of articles...

Information and Help pages in English:

  • Pages in English

Page d'information et d'aide en français:

  • Pages en français